Idaho winters are long and cold, and occasionally stir-crazy morphs into actual crazy. Case in point, my brief foray into custom Lego minifigs. It started as sort of a of my kids made an off-hand comment about how cool it would be if there were Glee Lego sets. Apparently, the validity of any franchise is directly linked to whether or not trademarked building blocks are available. Who knew? Anyway, the remark led to us musing about possible collections. Next thing I knew, we were constructing Kurt's bedroom. We didn't have all of the parts necessary, so I ended up customizing a few things and ordering pieces I couldn't create myself. Of course, there was no point in having Kurt's bedroom without having Kurt, so that's when the project sort of snowballed. Single Ladies Kurt paved the way for Tina and Brittany.

I liked putting together the vanity area!

I HAD to have a hanging chair swing, so I cobbled one together out of Legos and Sculpey.

It's hard to tell here, but he's wearing a little tie and the sparkly vest and glove.
Brit and Tina are almost entirely hand-painted.
Then I decided some of Kurt's other classic outfits would be fun to replicate, so...yeah.
This was my first supplemental Kurt. Obviously still a little rough.

Weirdly, this is one of my favorite Kurt looks. Something about the color combination, maybe?

Hee hee...I love the little microphone and stand! The ruffles were a real stink to do, by the way.

Yes, I made a "roach brooch". Crazy is in the details, as they say.

I realized later that he was wearing the brooch with this ensemble also, but the first one was such a turkey to make that I just let it slide.
My original vision was to assemble the entire glee club, so I have bits and pieces of different characters...Puck's head with the mohawk (and a Big Quench for him to toss), Mercedes' torso and legs wearing the infamous technicolor zebra hoody and those cool tall sneakers, Quinn's pink capris with gold ballet flats and a peasant blouse, Artie's wheelchair, Finn and Rachel in their bowling outfits (with a pink bowling ball, naturally). Despite the project's inherent nerdiness, I'm actually rather pleased with the work I did. I did manage to finish Sue, at least!

Sadly, I was ultimately stymied by the lack of usable heads. Alas, Lego doesn't make much in the way of "heads of color". I had thought to use printable decals to design faces to put on blank heads, but my lack of computer/design savvy foiled that effort. *sigh* Well, I have my little Kurt brigade, anyway. Maybe this winter I'll get another wild hair and plunge back in. Maybe.