Best of 2010

I know I'm not alone in my fondness for those year-end "Best of" lists.

Since this has been a big year, Gleefully speaking, I'm taking this opportunity to write my own list: My top Glee-related experiences of 2010. They aren't all going to be strictly about Glee, though. Some of them are ways Glee has influenced me and my life for the better. Let's see if I can come up with 10...

In no particular order:

1. I actually won something! Back in May, I won a copy of "Glee: The Totally Unofficial Guide" from Rob at Gleeforum. This marked the first (and only) time I've ever won ANYTHING. I have to say, the feeling was pretty heady!

2. For my birthday, my hubby set this blog up for me. I have to admit, I had no idea how to even log on at first, much less actually post anything. I'm slowly figuring it out, and am enjoying the outlet. I even managed to link the blog to a related twitter. AND customize my twitter background to match the blog! Yes, these are major events. Trust me.

3. I actually learned how to upload pictures from my camera! AND post them places! This may not seem like a significant development, but if you'd seen my poor hubby trying to help me with my earliest posts, you would understand. If not for my fondness for Glee and sharing my projects/exploits with other fans, I'd probably still be languishing in a mire of technical incompetence.

4. One year ago this week, I hosted my first Glee night to celebrate the release of the "Road to Sectionals" DVD. I just HAD to share this crazy show with my friends, and it turned out to be the start of a nice tradition.

5. Chris Colfer responded to one of my tweets! I obviously don't need to elaborate on why that was significant.

6. In the 48 hours following the tweet from Chris, my twitter went from 2 to 96 followers. Granted, in that same amount of time, Chris himself gained about 6,000 followers, but it's all about perspective. Thinking positive, here! I made it up to 100 for one magical day several weeks ago, but then I actually tweeted. Lost a few after that.

7. Awards season! I am an awards show junkie even when I'm not rooting for anyone in particular. This year gave me plenty to cheer for. How I love seeing my Glee babies all dressed up and happy! I don't always like what's going on with the show, but those kids work so hard and they deserve to be recognized. The sheer quantity of nominations boggled the mind; the actual wins were icing on an already delectable cake. My favorite awards show moment? The "Born to Run" opening at the Emmys. Epic!

8. In a fit of passion, I spontaneously bought tickets for the Glee Live! tour in Phoenix. I'm a wife, mother, scout leader--a grown-up with responsibilities, gosh darnit! Sad to say, this was the wildest thing I'd done in YEARS. The three weeks between purchasing those tickets and the actual show were some of the best I've had in a long time. The anticipation was invigorating! I went a little crazy and had a mini makeover--a stylist friend helped me with my hair and makeup (no small feat). She also took me shopping for concert-worthy attire, primarily so I wouldn't be mistaken for my younger, cooler sisters' chaperone. It felt so indulgent! Cute and hip are not usually words I would use to describe myself, but when I went off to that concert, that's exactly how I felt.

9. My blog passed 500 views! I'm reasonably certain they aren't all me. And I know friends and family aren't checking in because this is sort of my secret outlet. Shhhh! So thanks to those who have popped in, and especially to those few who have commented. Even though I don't know who is actually reading, it does feel a little less like I'm screaming into the void, so to speak, when that number creeps up.

10. The best thing this year was *drum roll* Glee Live! and the time spent in Phoenix with my sisters. Amazing memories. It feels like a beautiful dream; the kind that just doesn't happen enough in life. Good thing I took pictures!

Wishing you a 2011 filled with love, laughter, and loads of Glee!

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