
The Emmy nominations were announced this morning, and I was up bright and early to watch the live stream. Anyone who knows me will attest that I am NOT a morning person. But since there are precious few things I won't do in the name of Glee, dawn found me hunkered down in front of my computer in my Grumpy Bear pajamas. I figured the Glee noms would be plentiful, but I had no idea they would THAT abundant! 19 nominations! Bazinga! So much excitement when Lea and Matthew's names were announced, as well as the nod for Glee as best comedy. I admit to mild disappointment that nominees in supporting categories were not presented live, mostly because I was thoroughly enjoying listening to Sofia Vergara mangle the names. She is one hysterical lady!

A quick search turned up the rest of the list, and I very nearly toppled out of my chair when I found that K. Chen, NPH, Mike o'Malley, Jane, and (the proverbial cherry on top) sweetie Chris had all been recognized. What a stellar morning for Glee and devoted Gleeks everywhere!

I love that the cast and crew are genuinely supportive of each other and get so crazy excited for individual successes, when really, in an ensemble like this, there could be lots of hurt feelings and resentment. They all seem like such kind, down-to-earth people and it makes my little heart happy when great things happen to nice folks.

Good luck, my Glee Babies--I'll be watching with bated breath! Bring home lots of hardware!

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