Fluff Post!

Believe it or not, when I launched the retrospective project, I intended for it to be fun and fluffy. I'd sit down, watch an episode, and then just write whatever thoughts came to me. Comedy assured, right? Well, it transpires that my spontaneous brain does not do 'fluffy'. On the other hand, who knew watching Glee could actually be an intensely philosophical and existential experience?  Color me surprised!

Anyway, in an effort to lighten things up a bit (and hopefully avoid scaring off the few readers I have), I'm doing a "fluff" post today. Literally. I thought I'd share a few more of my BABW creations, because they are "so fluffy I could die"! I put all blame for this project on Build a Bear Workshop and their ridiculously good coupon offers and generous reward program. Also ebay. Aaaand my bizarre urge to create Glee character effigies. I seriously couldn't help myself.

 This is Arfie Abrams. Doesn't he sort of look like Kevin?

 Here's my take on Finn. Can you guess his name? It's Finn...wait for it...CUDson!

 Can't decide if I want this guy to be Puckzilla or Pucksaurus. Either way, he's pretty cute.
And by "cute",  I mean "totally badass".

Because he's adorable, here's Kurt Hoomel again. Just in case you missed him the first time. 
I made his costume myself! He's probably my favorite.

I have several of the girls in progress...they're waiting for jewelry, costume revisions, and what not.  I'm really excited about the cute shoes I found for Moocedes! I'll try to get them in here at some point in the not too distant future.

Well, hope you enjoyed this little fluff piece! I'll be back tonight with Day...uh, whatever I'm on now. 18? 19? Anyway, I'll be back. See you later!



  1. Oh my, you're an inspiration. LOL These are very cute and funny - thanks for sharing. Love Kurt Hoomel! Great job on the sequined costume.

    ~ Amy

  2. You might be the cutest mom I've ever seen, besides my own of course! You have sons right? Do they like your crafts?

  3. Yes, I have two boys. They are 11 and 13 and are every bit as nerdy as I am! I don't let them watch much Glee, but they know I love it, so they are nice enough to humor me when my flights of fancy hit. They do actually get a kick out of my projects,though. They'll offer suggestions or find pieces for me to use. The 11 year-old designed a wheelchair for Lego Artie, which I thought was sweet. And neither of them said a word about me stealing the pants off of their teddy bears. :)

  4. Was on this page in the library at school I burst out laughing at puck I got some wired Iooks
