Day 21: Funk

Well, if I had to pick my least favorite episode of Season 1, "Funk" would be the one.  It bears the unfortunate distinction of being the only episode with musical numbers that I actually skip. Other than that, there's really no specific reason for my distaste. It just doesn't ignite anything in me, you know? I've come to accept that not every episode is going to be amazing, and none of them will be perfect. That simply isn't how the writers roll. And that's okay. It doesn't make me any less of a fan if I feel ambivalent toward certain episodes. Apparently, the theme for this post is "Episodes"...

It's like this. I love my kids and I love my cat, and nothing they ever do will change how I feel. Even if they break my heart (kids), tear up the couch (cat), or barf on my carpet (could go either way), I will forgive their mistakes and go right on loving them. Glee is a bit like that for me. I don't always enjoy what's going on. The writers have made (and continue to make) some choices that infuriate and frustrate me. Still, I dearly love those glee clubbers. It's a good thing they're so cute--it makes forgiving the writers' folly that much easier.  :)

So, I'm curious. Are there any episodes that leave you cold?


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