Day 18: Laryngitis

It's fitting that this happens to be the episode of the day, as I currently find myself on the verge of a minor identity crisis. Bad news, glee clubbers: personal identity isn't a "one shot and done" proposition. You develop yourself over time. And, like most worthwhile pursuits in life, it takes concerted effort in combination with prolonged introspection. Although, it's entirely possible I'm  doing it wrong.  That would actually explain a lot.

In "Laryngitis", the glee kids face their own identity issues. What makes them tick? What makes them unique? And what happens when those qualities are lost (or ignored)? Although this episode is rather heavy-handed in spots, the intent hits home. The kids discover they are not simply the sum of their parts, and adding or subtracting a piece or two doesn't ultimately change who they are inside. Rachel is more than a voice; Puck is not just a mohawk. And Kurt will always be Kurt. No amount of flannel can change that.

The issues explored are relevant to every person walking the Earth.  Because who doesn't define herself by what she can do, or how she looks, or what she's accomplished? Everyone does that to some extent. The problem with hanging your identity on those things is that life loves a good joke. Not a good "ha ha" belly laugh kind of joke, either. Life jokes are usually the ironic kind that leave you feeling kind of had, and like you maybe should have seen it coming. Be that as it may, the entity known as 'you' can change in a flash. Then what? How will you find your voice? If you figure it out, let me know.


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