Day 26: Duets

By and large, I like "Duets". After my last traumatic post, this, at least, doesn't feel quite as personal. It's a step in the right direction, anyway.

There are lots of great performances, in particular Mike and Tina performing "Sing!", which is probably one of the cutest things I've ever seen, and Kurt's "Le Jazz Hot". I'm dying to know if Chris did that glissando all by himself or if he had digital assistance. It sounds amazing! Also, I pray he never decides to grow a mustache.

I love Sam as this moment. I think it's darling that he does impressions and speaks Na'vi. It makes me sad that he subsequently loses these quirks, or at least they fade back behind the "jock" persona. Which is a shame, because the show could benefit from a good sci-fi/ pop culture nerd. One would think the writers would be all over that. Imagine the wealth of comic gold available from such rich sources as Star Trek, Star Wars, DC and Marvel Comics...the mind boggles at the possibilities. Sam has the potential to be a fun, unique character, and I hope someday he gets that chance.

I do not love Artie at this moment. Within a matter of moments, he goes from mooning over Tina to hitting the sheets with Brittany? Seriously? Not even a second thought, huh? And then he suddenly turns all self-righteous on her and sends her on a guilt trip because she took advantage. I don't recall hearing any protest on his end! And he obviously knew Brittany's reputation and her intelligence level. This whole thing was completely out of left field, and I HATE THAT! I can't really blame Artie for this lapse in judgment, though. The blame lies with the writers, who, once again, commit character homicide. This is not the Artie I know. And this turn of events is not cool.

I do appreciate the growing understanding between Kurt and Rachel. Despite Kurt's wishes to the contrary, they actually have a lot in common. I think it's sweet that Rachel manages to step out of herself for a moment, notice that he's hurting, and offer a hand to hold. Maybe she isn't a very nice person in practice, but she's capable when she puts her heart in to it. Hopefully, she'll start to figure out that building her friends up doesn't necessarily come at an expense to herself. That building another person up actually makes her stronger. And sometimes, it can even lead to a killer duet.


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