32 Days of Glee: A Retrospective

The new year always makes me a bit nostalgic, and since there is roughly a month between today and the next new episode of Glee, I figured this would be a good time to take a little trip down memory lane. I'll watch one episode a day and put down a few thoughts. I hope some of you will join me! I'd love to hear about your first impressions, memories, observations and favorite moments from this show we all adore.

Tonight I watched the pilot. I missed it when it originally aired, which I'm actually grateful for in hindsight. That was one extended hiatus I managed to avoid! As I was watching (and exercising...resolutions, you know), I was pondering on all of the firsts in this episode; the things that have shaped the series and the characters we have come to know so intimately and love so passionately. We got our first Sue zingers, flashes of Mercedes' sass and Tina's insecurities, Finn's first stilted attempts at singing and dancing simultaneously, Rachel's first diva storm-out, Kurt's first dumpster dive (and first signs of being a major scene stealer), glimpses of crazy from both Terri and Emma, a healthy dose of Puck's badassness, and Will's first borderline inappropriate student interaction (as well as his first TOTALLY inappropriate student interaction). Carole, Figgins, Coach Tanaka, Sandy Ryerson...it's like a big, raucous family reunion--brimming with optimism and hi-jinx, precariously teetering on the edge of chaos. I feel so fondly toward these people, despite and because of their little oddities.

There were other firsts as well, at least for me. Had my first "Oh no, they didn't" reaction when that first slushie hit. And I experienced my first Glee-induced chills and shed my first happy Glee tears when those kids took the stage for the first time. Love at first sight.


  1. Great idea! I did have to suffer the first extended hiatus as we saw the pilot during the May "preview" then were informed at the end that the next would be in September! Ahhh!! LOL I remember the image that stuck most in my mind was Kurt - esp. his first scene at the dumpster. The expression on his face - deer in the headlight look in his eyes - priceless! And I couldn't believe that Will let Puck get away with it!

    The other memory from that May evening was "Don't Stop Believing". My husband and I both though it was awesome. Got goosebumps. It was my husband's favorite song from high school and to hear this new arrangement was incredible.

    I was hooked on the show at that point. And my obsession has only gotten worse. :-) 32 days and counting down! First time I've looked forward to a Superbowl evening! LOL

    ~ Amy

  2. Yeah, they are being pretty sneaky with that Superbowl thing...I have never watched football on purpose in my life!
    I can't believe how young all the kids look in the pilot, especially the boys. I honestly didn't know what to think of Kurt at first. He was so unlike anyone I'd ever experienced before that he took some getting used to. Obviously, I managed to adjust. :)

  3. Which scene are you referring to as a Will's first borderline inappropriate student-teacher interaction? I assume the totally inappropriate interaction was the scene in which Will blackmails Finn into joining the Glee club (I still want to know if anyone will ever find out the truth about why Finn joined Glee).

  4. The first was spying on Finn in the locker room. Eeek!

  5. Okay, that's what I thought and yes, borderline inappropriate! That is another plot point I want resolved. I want to know if Finn ever finds out Will knew he was a good singer before he tried out for the club. And what would Rachel think?
