In Case You Haven't Noticed, I Love This Dress...

So, the other day I was driving through downtown Boise with my family. We happened to pass Anthropologie, which I had never dared enter before. But I know from interviews with Lou Erich that many of Quinn's wardrobe pieces come from there. I was just about to spring this little factoid on my less-than-interested family when I saw it: Quinn's New York dress. It was right in the front window! I vowed to return at a later time and scope it out...

I finally made it back Tuesday after my college orientation. I figured I deserved a reward after making it through THAT ordeal! I went in and found the dress almost immediately. Now, I did not plan to actually buy it--I figured I'd try it on, take a picture in the dressing room, and call it good. But it was love at first sight! I'm not much of a girly girl, but I love a good dress, and this is an AWESOME dress...much prettier in person than on film. All of the white detailing is actually embroidered, and it has TULLE under the skirt, for crying out loud! I love how it flares out when I spin around. And yes, I have spent a considerable amount of time twirling around in it. :)

I had a really interesting time with the staff, too. The gal that was helping me mentioned that they were all obsessed with that particular dress and she asked what had drawn me to it. I asked her if she watched Glee and she got all excited and fluttery and squealed, "This is Quinn's dress!" I told her THAT was exactly what had drawn me to the dress, and we had a fun little conversation about the show and the adorable cast. I told her that I'd just been to see them and she was so excited, especially because it turns out that Darren is her favorite. Then I went to check out, and the girl at the counter exclaimed, "Oh, it's Quinn's dress!" We had a little fangirl exchange, and I went on my merry way feeling invigorated for having spent a bit of time with some gleeks "out in the wild" so to speak.

And with that, I promise to never speak of this dress again. Thank you for indulging me!  :)


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