You're the Inspiration...

This is not strictly Glee related, but the impetus sort of is. Several days ago, Warbler Curt Mega posted a video in which he asked for help with a "collaborative project". He wants to know what inspires people, and encouraged everyone to share. Sooo...

I garden. I'm a bit of a hobbit, actually. I love the sunshine and the trees and the feel of grass and soil between my toes. I'm obsessed with seeds. Everything I plant, I start from seed. Because there's nothing like the thrill of seeing that little green head poking out of the ground. The birth of potential!

I love that the outside appearance of a seed is not a reliable indicator of the potential within.

I love that although the potential is there, a seed won't grow unless it is planted.

I love that simply planting a seed isn't enough. Diligent nurturing is required.

Every time I watch a seed sprout, I wonder, "How did all of that get IN there?". And then I stop wondering and just marvel.

Seeds are a metaphor for everything beautiful--love, friendship, faith, hope, knowledge. Even the individual. Anything that starts small and grows strong with care.

Watching my seeds grow makes me think about myself and my potential. Because, what's IN there? What will I be when I mature? Will my roots be strong? Will I bloom? And while I'm busy cultivating  myself, what can I do to encourage the growth of those around me?

I like to think that there's something amazing inside me. Something you can't see just by looking at the surface. Will I ever reach my full potential? Will you reach yours? What are we meant to be? Let's tend to each other and find out together. :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! Strangely enough, I've been exploring my untapped potential recently. Where I should be going... what I should be doing... This post is an encouragement! Thanks!
