Glee Live! Round 2

When I first saw the tour dates and venues last week, I was pretty bummed. I'd really hoped for something closer to home. Also, with all of the "happenings" on Glee of late, I wasn't sure if my sisters would even be game for going again. I called my youngest sister, Megan (the young, hip one), and to my surprise she was totally on board! I thought maybe we'd do Vegas, since it's the closest (only 15 hours...guh), but she's already going to see Gaga there next month. Like I said, she's young and hip. Instead, she suggested we really go for broke, drive to Anaheim and make a week of it. We're going to Disneyland! I've never been, so I'm super excited.

Since we're not flying like we did last year, and we've all been saving up in anticipation of this event since last year's tour, we decided to roll that money into REALLY good tickets. So, the fun began when pre-sales started Thursday. Due to a miscommunication with my AmEx carrying sister, we missed out on the first round of sales. Grrr! So the past few days I've been freaking out about missing the second batch of VIP packages, which were to be released today. I camped out in front of my computer all day practicing my quick-draw clicking so I could be ready when Anaheim opened up. I watched all of the other sales, and those packages were selling out in under a minute. Gleeks are a crazy, dedicated people indeed. As the moment of truth approached, I literally thought I was going to be sick, pass out, or both. I don't think I've ever been that nervous, which is really saying something as I've both gotten married and given birth (not simultaneously). I'm pretty sure the monster burrito I had for lunch coupled with the Pepsi Max didn't help matters much! The time arrived, I clicked like crazy (while shaking like a leaf and hyperventilating), got to the end, double checked the order, and it looked like they'd charged me for too many packages. At the bottom was a little box that said, 'Change your order', so I clicked it, and it KICKED ME OUT OF THE SYSTEM! Nooooooo! I had to start all over again, and I was sure in the 30 seconds it took for me to get back in to the order page, those tickets would be gone! By then, I was shaking like a leaf, hyperventilating, AND practically in tears. But the Glee Gods had mercy on me, because by some miracle, I got through and they still had my tickets. After all that, I took a long, brisk walk to regain my composure and to burn off some of the adrenaline. I think my poor kids were a little afraid of me for awhile there.

I have to give a shout-out to Barry, my long-suffering hubby, who didn't say a word about me sitting in front of the computer all day on Valentine's Day. Or about me blowing a big wad of our tax return on a silly concert. Or the fact that said concert takes place on our 16th wedding anniversary. What a guy, huh? I couldn't ask for a better Valentine. <3



  1. If Megan is the young, hip one... then what am I??
    Wait, don't answer that.

  2. Ummm...also young and hip, yet tempered with the wisdom that comes from experience? At least YOU aren't in danger of being mistaken for Megan's matronly aunt.
